Silica Awareness in Construction
In this Silica awareness-level safety course, you will learn about the basics of Silica and Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust encountered during construction activities. This course will identify the basic health hazards associated with exposure to silica and respirable crystalline silica dust, some of the common construction tasks that could result in exposure to respirable crystalline, and typical control measures employers may implement to protect workers from exposure to silica and respirable crystalline silica including engineering controls, work practices and respirators.
1.5 Hours
Hazard Recognition & Control
The Hazard Recognition & Control Training course teaches participants the fundamentals of how to identify hazards in the workplace, rate the risk of the hazards identified, and recommend controls to eliminate or minimize the risks of these hazards using various tools developed by safety professionals.
4 Hours
Silica Competent Person
This course offers practical experience in the assessment of crystalline silica during blasting, refractory, insulating, grouting, mixing, and cutting concrete for maintenance, projects, demolition, and new construction activities associated with industrial manufacturing. The training will encompass the American Industrial Hygiene Association’s recommended training guidelines for developing a capable competent person with a solid skill set.
4 Hours
Hand & Power Tools with Evaluation
Through classroom and hands-on training, trainees will receive an overview of the common types of hand tools and powered hand tools, how they work, and the proper techniques required to safely operate these tools.
8 Hours
Navigating OSHA Recordability
The purpose of this class is to examine the current OSHA recordkeeping standard as it relates to recording injuries and illnesses. Understanding OSHA's definitions such as work environment, restriction, new and old cases, preexisting and other important terms are key to recording accurately.This instructor-led course will focus on understanding the standards, exemptions, and letters of interpretations so your recordkeeping personnel can report and record accurate information.
4 Hours
Fire Extinguisher User
This course will teach students and employees how to properly assess fire hazards and extinguish them without ever lighting a real fire.
2 Hours
Hazard Communication (GHS)
The New Hazard Communication requires the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) was created by the United Nations and serves as the international standard for Hazard Communication. Recent changes to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standards have aligned with the GHS, and training is required to familiarize companies on these changes. With our tranining, you will learn important information about changes to hazard classification standard, labels, safety data sheets, as well as employee training requirements.
4 Hours
License to Carry (LTC)
Upon successful completion of both the written & range test, students will be issued a course qualification certificate to be used in their license to carry application. Students should plan on 7 hours combined for class & test sessions. Classroom instruction will be conducted at our office location, with the shooting portion completed at a nearby affiliate range. (Small range fee applies) This course is open to all U.S. citizens within 6 months of being 21 years of age or older.
7+ Hours
Smith System Driving (Driver Direct)
DriverDirect, our most popular behind the wheel training program, teaches safe driving practices using The Smith5Keys, a method proven to reduce risks on the road. Classes are conducted with a maximum of five students in a vehicle provided by Smith System. Each student receives reference materials, a personalized written evaluation and recommendations for areas of improvement. This one-day, cost-effective, advanced training program is designed to improve driving skills and habits through a combination of classroom education and valuable on-road instruction. Each driver learns through several behind-the-wheel experiences and by observing an instructor-narrated drive that demonstrates unique techniques to navigate through traffic.
8 Hours